Characterized by vibrant colors, fanciful subjects and intricate mazes of abstractions, the mixed media works of artist Cinc Hayes echo the landscapes of far-away lands.
Sketch pad in hand, Hayes traveled the world: from the stark landscapes of Northern Norway to the lush and verdant rainforests of Central America and the towering gleaming cities in between. The body of work on display was inspired by his journey and conveys a narrative infused with the folkloric elements of an epic odyssey: an ancient ship alone at sea, fantastical creatures concealed within a visual labyrinth of texture, color and pattern. At home in the Carolinas, he finds inspiration from the natural beauty of local woods, lakes and rivers. Kayaking to remote islands with his easel, paints, and Winston Churchill (his dog), the solitude unfolds a vitality in the landscape uninterrupted by everyday distractions.
In addition to a formal background in studio art, the artist has a degree in philosophy that lends a multilayered complexity to his work. And in looking closely, one can imagine the winding swirls of the artist’s subconscious guiding his hand. It is easy to get lost in the intricate motifs and the energetic movement of brushstrokes as one’s eyes travel along the richly textured surfaces studded with unusual objects and materials.